China Energy Statistical Yearbook consists of seven chapters: 1. General Survey; 2. Construction of Energy Industry; 3. Energy Production; 4. Energy Consumption; 5. Energy Balance Table of China; 6. Energy Balance Table by Region; 7. Energy data for the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region. Additional information provided in the appendices include major energy data for Taiwan province, energy data for related countries or areas and explanatory notes of main statistical indicators and conversion factors from physical units to coal equivalent.
目 录
Chapter 1 General Survey
1-1 能源生产、消费与国内生产总值增长速度 3
Growth Rate of Energy Production and Consumption Compared With Growth Rate of GDP
1-2 国民经济和能源经济主要指标 4
Main Indicators of National Economy and Energy Economy
1-3 平均每万元国内生产总值能源消费量 6
Energy Intensity by GDP
1-4 能源加工转换效率 7
Efficiency of Energy Transformation
1-5 人均能源生产量和消费量 8
Energy Production and Consumption Per Capita
1-6 人均生活用能量 9
Residential Energy Consumption Per Capita
1-7 年末交通运输设备拥有量 10
Number of Transportation Equipment (Year-End)
1-8 主要能源品种进、出口量 11
Imports and Exports of Major Energy Products
1-9 主要高耗能产品的进、出口量 12
Imports and Exports of Energy Intensive Products
1-10 分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2017年) 13
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Gas by Region (2017)
1-11 分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2017年) 14
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Water by Region (2017)
Chapter 2 Construction of Energy Industry
2-1 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资 19
Investment In Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-2 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资构成 19
Proportions of Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-3 分地区国有经济能源工业固定资产投资 20
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry by Region
2-4 分地区国有经济煤炭采选业固定资产投资 21
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-5 分地区国有经济石油和天然气开采业固定资产投资 22
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
by Region
2-6 分地区国有经济电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业固定资产投资 23
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Electricity,Steam,Hot Water
Production and Supply by Region
2-7 分地区国有经济石油加工及炼焦业固定资产投资 24
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-8 分地区国有经济煤气生产和供应业固定资产投资 25
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Gas Production and Supply by Region
2-9 能源工业分行业投资 26
Investment in Energy Industry
2-10 能源工业分行业投资构成 26
Investment in Energy Industry by Proportions
2-11 分地区能源工业投资 27
Investment in Energy Industry by Region
2-12 分地区煤炭采选业投资 28
Investment in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-13 分地区石油和天然气开采业投资 29
Investment in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction by Region
2-14 分地区电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业投资 30
Investment in Electricity, Steam, Hot Water Production and Supply by Region
2-15 分地区石油加工及炼焦业投资 31
Investment in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-16 分地区煤气生产和供应业投资 32
Investment in Gas Production and Supply by Region
Chapter 3 Energy Production
3-1 一次能源生产量和构成 34
Primary Energy Production and Composition
3-2 分地区原煤生产量 36
Raw Coal Production by Region
3-3 分地区焦炭生产量 37
Coke Production by Region
3-4 分地区原油生产量 38
Crude Oil Production by Region
3-5 分地区汽油生产量 39
Gasoline Production by Region
3-6 分地区煤油生产量 40
Kerosene Production by Region
3-7 分地区柴油生产量 41
Diesel Oil Production by Region
3-8 分地区燃料油生产量 42
Fuel Oil Production by Region
3-9 分地区天然气生产量 43
Natural Gas Production by Region
3-10 分地区发电量 44
Power Generation by Region
3-11 分地区水力发电量 45
Hydro Power Generation by Region
3-12 分地区火力发电量 46
Thermal Power Generation by Region
3-13 分地区核能、风力、太阳能发电量 47
Nuclear,Wind,Solar Power Generation by Region
3-14 分地区城市天然气供应情况 48
Basic Statistics on Supply of Natural Gas in Cities by Region
3-15 分地区城市人工煤气供应情况 50
Basic Statistics on Supply of Coal Gas in Cities by Region
3-16 分地区城市液化石油气供应情况 52
Basic Statistics on Supply of LPG in Cities by Region
3-17 分地区城市集中供热情况 54
Basic Statistics on Heating Supply in Cities by Region
Chapter 4 Energy Consumption
4-1 能源消费总量和构成 58
Total Energy Consumption and Composition
4-2 工业分行业终端能源消费量(实物量)-2017 60
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Physical Quantity) -2017
4-3 工业分行业终端能源消费量(标准量)-2017 66
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Standard Quantity) -2017
4-4 分行业能源消费总量 72
Consumption of Total Energy and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-5 分行业煤炭消费总量 74
Consumption of Coal and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-6 分行业焦炭消费总量 76
Consumption of Coke and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-7 分行业原油消费总量 78
Consumption of Crude Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-8 分行业汽油消费总量 80
Consumption of Gasoline and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-9 分行业煤油消费总量 82
Consumption of Kerosene and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-10 分行业柴油消费总量 84
Consumption of Diesel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-11 分行业燃料油消费总量 86
Consumption of Fuel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-12 分行业天然气消费总量 88
Consumption of Natural Gas and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-13 分行业电力消费总量 90
Consumption of Electricity and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-14 分地区分品种能源消费量-2017 92
Energy Consumption by Region-2017
Chapter 5 Energy Balance Table of China
5-1 中国能源平衡表(实物量) -2017 96
Energy Balance of China (Physical Quantity) -2017
5-2 中国能源平衡表(标准量) -2017 102
Energy Balance of China (Standard Quantity) -2017
5-3 综合能源平衡表 108
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
5-4 煤炭平衡表 110
Coal Balance Sheet
5-5 焦炭平衡表 112
Coke Balance Sheet
5-6 石油平衡表 114
Petroleum Balance Sheet
5-7 原油平衡表 116
Crude Oil Balance Sheet
5-8 燃料油平衡表 118
Fuel Oil Balance Sheet
5-9 汽油平衡表 120
Gasoline Balance Sheet
5-10 煤油平衡表 120
Kerosene Balance Sheet
5-11 柴油平衡表 122
Diesel Oil Balance Sheet
5-12 液化石油气平衡表 122
LPG Balance Sheet
5-13 天然气平衡表 124
Natural Gas Balance Sheet
5-14 电力平衡表 124
Electricity Balance Sheet
Chapter 6 Energy Balance Table by Region
6-1 北京能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 128
Energy Balance of Beijing (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-2 天津能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 134
Energy Balance of Tianjin (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-3 河北能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 140
Energy Balance of Hebei (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-4 山西能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 146
Energy Balance of Shanxi (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-5 内蒙古能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 152
Energy Balance of Inner Mongolia (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-6 辽宁能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 158
Energy Balance of Liaoning (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-7 吉林能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 164
Energy Balance of Jilin (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-8 黑龙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 170
Energy Balance of Heilongjiang (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-9 上海能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 176
Energy Balance of Shanghai (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-10 江苏能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 182
Energy Balance of Jiangsu (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-11 浙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 188
Energy Balance of Zhejiang (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-12 安徽能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 194
Energy Balance of Anhui (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-13 福建能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 200
Energy Balance of Fujian (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-14 江西能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 206
Energy Balance of Jiangxi (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-15 山东能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 212
Energy Balance of Shandong (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-16 河南能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 218
Energy Balance of Henan (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-17 湖北能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 224
Energy Balance of Hubei (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-18 湖南能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 230
Energy Balance of Hunan (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-19 广东能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 236
Energy Balance of Guangdong (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-20 广西能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 242
Energy Balance of Guangxi (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-21 海南能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 248
Energy Balance of Hainan (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-22 重庆能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 254
Energy Balance of Chongqing (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-23 四川能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 260
Energy Balance of Sichuan (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-24 贵州能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 266
Energy Balance of Guizhou (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-25 云南能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 272
Energy Balance of Yunnan (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-26 陕西能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 278
Energy Balance of Shaanxi (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-27 甘肃能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 284
Energy Balance of Gansu (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-28 青海能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 290
Energy Balance of Qinghai (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-29 宁夏能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 296
Energy Balance of Ningxia (Physical Quantity) -2017
6-30 新疆能源平衡表(实物量)-2017 302
Energy Balance of Xinjiang (Physical Quantity) -2017
Chapter 7 Energy Data for Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region
7-1 香港主要能源及相关指标 311
Major Energy and Related Indicators of Hong Kong
7-2 香港电力、煤气、水消费量 312
Consumption of Electricity, Gas and Water of Hong Kong
7-3 香港油产品净进口量 312
Hong Kong Net Imports of Oil Products
7-4 香港煤产品进口留用量 313
Hong Kong Retained Imports of Coal Products
7-5 香港电力生产、消费和进出口 313
Hong Kong Electricity Production,Consumption,Imports and Exports
7-6 澳门电力供应及消耗 314
Supply and Consumption of Electricity of Macao
7-7 澳门电力、燃料及水消费量 314
Consumption of Electricity,Fuel and Water of Macao
附录1 台湾省能源数据
Appendix Ⅰ Energy Data for Taiwan Province
附录1-1 台湾省主要能源及相关指标 317
Major Energy Related Indicators of Taiwan Province
附录1-2 台湾省分行业电力消费量 318
Taiwan Province Electricity Consumption by Sector
附录1-3 台湾省能源供给总量及构成 318
Taiwan Province Energy Supply and Composition
附录1-4 台湾省能源消费总量及分部门消费构成 319
Taiwan Province Energy Consumption and Composition by Sector
附录1-5 台湾省发电购量和售电量 319
Taiwan Province Electricity Generation and Sale
附录2 有关国家和地区能源数据
Appendix Ⅱ Energy Data for Related Countries or Areas
附录2-1 人口数 323
附录2-2 国内生产总值汇率算法(2010年价格) 324
Gross Domestic Products Using Exchange Rates(2010 US$)
附录2-3 能源生产总量 325
Total Production of Energy
附录2-4 能源生产量/一次能源供应量(能源自给率) 326
Energy Production/TPES (self-sufficiency)
附录2-5 能源供应量/GDP(2010年价格) 327
TPES/GDP(2010 US$)
附录2-6 人均能源供应量 328
附录2-7 煤生产量 329
Coal Production
附录2-8 原油和天然气凝析液生产量 330
Production of Crude Oil, NGL and Additives
附录2-9 天然气生产量 331
Production of Natural Gas
附录2-10 终端能源消费量 332
Total Final Consumption of Energy
附录2-11 煤炭供应量 333
Primary Supply of Coal
附录2-12 石油供应量 334
Primary Supply of Oil
附录2-13 天然气供应量 335
Primary Supply of Gas
附录2-14 总发电量 336
Total Electricity Generation
附录2-15 国内生产总值电耗(2010年价) 337
Electricity Consumption/GDP (2010 US$)
附录2-16 人均电力消费量 338
Electricity Consumption/Population
附录2-17 煤净进口量 339
Net Import of Coal
附录2-18 石油净进口量 340
Net Import of Oil
附录2-19 天然气净进口量 341
Net Import of Gas
附录2-20 主要高耗能产品单位能耗中外比较 342
Energy Consumption for Main Energy Intensive Products by Comparing China with
Selected Countries
附录3 主要统计指标解释 347
Appendix Ⅲ Explanatory Notes of Main Statistical Indicators
附录4 各种能源折标准煤参考系数 353
Appendix Ⅳ Conversion Factors from Physical Units to Coal Equivalent