China Social Statistical Yearbook 2011 is the statistical yearbook which reflects various aspects related to social development. It is based on social statistical data of different departments, and mainly contains the following chapters: education, culture, sports, public health, social service, undertaking for disabled persons, public administration and membership organization.
The Yearbook could reflect basic characteristics of statistics from different departments, although information from each department contained in this yearbook is different, and so is the length of time series of data, due to varying statistical statuses of each department.
The Yearbook also includes, in the form of annex, some statistical communiqués and important survey reports reflecting the development of related departments. This is a necessary supplement to social statistical data. In addition, explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of the Yearbook.
一、综 合
General Survey
1-1 社会发展主要指标
Major Indicators of Social Development
二、教 育
2-1 各级各类学校、教职工和专任教师情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Schools, Teachers and Staff and Full-time Teachers (2010)
2-2 各级各类学历教育学生情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Students by Level and Type of Education (2010)
2-3 各级各类非学历教育学生情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Students by Level and Type of Non-formal Education (2010)
2-4 各级各类民办教育基本情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Private Schools by Level and Type of Schools (2010)
2-5 各级各类学校数
Number of Schools by Level and Type of School
2-6 各级各类学校专任教师数
Number of Full-time Teachers by Level and Type of School
2-7 各级各类学校招生数
Number of New Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
2-8 各级各类学校在校学生数
Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
2-9 各级各类学校毕业生数
Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School
2-10 研究生和留学生数
Number of Postgraduates and Students Studying Abroad
2-11 分学科研究生情况 (2010年)
Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2010)
2-12 高等教育学校(机构)数(2010年)
Number of Schools or Institutions of Higher Education (2010)
2-13 高等教育学校 (机构) 学生数 (2010年)
Number of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (2010)
2-14 成人本、专科分学科学生数 (2010年)
Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2010)
2-15 普通本、专科分学科学生数 (2010年)
Number of Students in Undergraduate and Junior Colleges by Field of Study (2010)
2-16 网络本、专科分学科学生数 (2010年)
Number of Students Enrolled in Internet-based Courses by Field of Study (2010)
2-17 中等职业学校(机构)数 (2010年)
Number of Secondary Vocational Schools (2010)
2-18 中等职业学校 (机构)学生分科类情况 (2010年)
Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2010)
2-19 职业技术培训机构基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Vocational/Technical Training Institutions (2010)
2-20 普通高中学校和学生情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools and Students (2010)
2-21 普通初中学校和学生情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools and Students (2010)
2-22 职业初中学校和学生情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Vocational Junior Secondary Schools and Students (2010)
2-23 普通小学学校和学生情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Regular Primary Schools and Students (2010)
2-24 技工学校数、学生数和教职工数
Number of Technical Schools, Students, Teachers and Staff
2-25 各类技工学校情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Technical Schools (2010)
2-26 学龄儿童入学率和各级普通学校毕业生升学率
Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools and Promotion Rate of Various Schools
2-27 各地区高等学校普通本、专科学生数 (2010年)
Number of Students in Undergraduate or Specialized Courses in Institutions of Higher Education
by Region (2010)
2-28 各地区普通高等学校 (机构) 教职工情况 (2010年)
Situations on Teachers and Staff in Regular Schools (Institutions) of Higher Education by Region (2010)
2-29 各地区中等职业学校 (机构)学生情况 (2010年)
Situations on Students in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2010)
2-30 各地区中等职业学校 (机构)教职工数(2010年)
Number of Teachers and Staff in Secondary Vocational Schools (Institutions) by Region (2010)
2-31 各地区普通高中基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Senior Secondary Schools by Region (2010)
2-32 各地区普通初中基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2010)
2-33 各地区职业初中基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Vocational Junior Secondary Schools by Region (2010)
2-34 各地区普通小学基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Regular Primary Schools by Region (2010)
2-35 各地区特殊教育基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Special Education by Region (2010)
2-36 各地区各级普通学校生师比
Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of Regular Schools by Region
2-37 每十万人口各级学校平均在校生数
Number of Students Per 100 000 Population by Level
2-38 教育经费情况
Basic Statistics on Educational Funds by Region
2-39 各类学校教育经费情况 (2009年)
Educational Funds in Various School (2009)
三、文 化
3-1 历年全国文化机构数
Number of Cultural Institutions of Selected Years
3-2 全国文化文物机构和从业人员情况 (2010年)
Number of Institutions and Personnel in Culture and Cultural Relics (2010)
3-3 全国艺术业机构和从业人员情况 (2010年)
Number of Institutions and Personnel in Art Performance (2010)
3-4 全国图书馆、群众文化服务机构和从业人员情况 (2010年)
Number of Institutions and Personnel in Libraries and Mass Culture Institutions (2010)
3-5 全国文物业机构数、从业人员情况 (2010年)
Number of Institutions and Personnel in Cultural Relics (2010)
3-6 艺术表演团体演出及收支情况(2010年)
Performance, Income and Expenditure of Art Performance Troupes(2010)
3-7 艺术表演场馆基本情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Art Performance Places (2010)
3-8 全国公共图书馆基本情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Public Libraries (2010)
3-9 群众艺术馆、文化馆(站)基本情况
Basic Statistics on Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers (Stations)
3-10 文化市场经营机构基本情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Cultural Business Units (2010)
3-11 娱乐场所基本情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Entertainment Units(2010)
3-12 各地区艺术表演团体分剧种机构数 (2010年)
Number of Art Performance Troupes by Type of Art by Province (2010)
3-13 各地区艺术表演团体分剧种国内演出观众人次(2010年)
Number of Domestic Audience of Art Performance Troupes by Type of Art (2010)
3-14 各地区艺术表演场馆基本情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Art Performance Places by Province (2010)
3-15 各地区公共图书馆、群众文化馆、艺术馆情况(2010年)
Basic Statistics on Public Libraries, Mass Cultural Centers and Art Centers by Province (2010)
Radio and Television
4-1 全国广播和电视综合人口覆盖情况 (2010年)
Coverage of Radio and TV Program Broadcasting (2010)
4-2 全国有线广播电视传输干线网络及用户情况
Transmission Trunk and Users of Cable Radios and TVs
4-3 全国广播节目播出情况 (2010年)
National Radio Programs (2010)
4-4 全国省级广播节目播出情况 (2010年)
Provincial Radio Programs (2010)
4-5 全国电视节目播出情况 (2010年)
National TV Programs (2010)
4-6 全国省级电视节目播出情况 (2010年)
Provincial TV Programs (2010)
4-7 全国广播节目制作情况 (2010年)
Production of National Radio Programs (2010)
4-8 全国省级广播节目制作情况 (2010年)
Production of Provincial Radio Programs (2010)
4-9 全国电视节目制作情况(2010年)
Production of National TV Programs (2010)
4-10 全国省级电视节目制作情况 (2010年)
Production of Provincial TV Programs (2010)
4-11 全国广播电视对外宣传情况 (2010年)
International Radio and TV Programs (2010)
4-12 全国广播电视节目交易情况 (2010年)
Trade of Radio and TV Programs (2010)
4-13 全国电视节目进出口情况
Imports and Exports of TV Programs
4-14 全国中短波和调频广播发射转播情况 (2010年)
Transmission and Relay of Medium Short Wave and Frequency Modulation Radio Programs (2010)
4-15 全国电视发射转播情况 (2010年)
Transmission and Relay of TV Programs (2010)
4-16 全国广播电视卫星、微波情况 (2010年)
Satellite and Microwave Facilities for Radio and TV Broadcasting (2010)
4-17 全国广播电视从业人员情况 (2010年)
Employees Engaged in Radio and Television Broadcasting Industry (2010)
4-18 全国广播电视收入情况 (2010年)
Revenue of Radio and Television Broadcasting Industry (2010)
4-19 全国广播电视行政事业单位实际创收情况 (2010年)
Actual Revenue of Administrative Organs and Institutions of Broadcasting Industry (2010)
4-20 全国广播电视企业单位创收情况 (2010年)
Actual Revenue of Broadcasting Enterprises (2010)
News Publication and Archive
5-1 全国各类图书出版种数 (2010年)
Number of Books Published in China (2010)
5-2 全国各类图书总印数 (2010年)
Printed Copies of Books Published in China (2010)
5-3 全国各类图书总印张 (2010年)
Printed Sheets of Books Published in China (2010)
5-4 全国各类图书总定价 (2010年)
Total Priced Value of Books Published in China (2010)
5-5 中央出版单位各类图书出版种数 (2010年)
Number of Books Published by National Publishing Houses (2010)
5-6 中央出版单位各类图书出版总印数 (2010年)
Printed Copies of Books Published by National Publishing Houses (2010)
5-7 中央出版单位各类图书出版总印张 (2010年)
Printed Sheets of Books Published by National Publishing Houses (2010)
5-8 中央出版单位各类图书总定价 (2010年)
Total Priced Value of Books Published by National Publishing Houses (2010)
5-9 地方出版单位各类图书出版种数 (2010年)
Number of Books Published by Local Publishing Houses (2010)
5-10 地方出版单位各类图书总印数 (2010年)
Printed Copies of Books Published by Local Publishing Houses (2010)
5-11 地方出版单位各类图书总印张 (2010年)
Printed Sheets of Books Published by Local Publishing Houses (2010)
5-12 地方出版单位各类图书总定价 (2010年)
Total Priced Value of Books Published by Local Publishing Houses (2010)
5-13 各地区报纸出版数量 (2010年)
Publication of Newspapers by Province (2010)
5-14 各地区期刊出版数量 (2010年)
Publication of Magazines by Province (2010)
5-15 各地区电子出版物数量 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Electronic Publications by Province (2010)
5-16 各地区录像制品出版品种情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Number of Publication of Video Products by Region (2010)
5-17 各地区录像制品出版数量情况 (2010年)
Statistics on Volume of Publication of Video Products by Region (2010)
5-18 各地区录音制品出版品种情况 (2010年)
Number of Publication of Audio Products by Region (2010)
5-19 各地区录音制品出版数量情况 (2010年)
Volume of Publication of Audio Products by Region (2010)
5-20 全国引进版权情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Copyright Import (2010)
5-21 全国输出版权情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Copyright Export (2010)
六、体 育
6-1 运动员获世界冠军情况
World Championships Won by Chinese Athletes
6-2 运动员分项创世界纪录情况 (2010年)
World Records Chalked up by Chinese Athletes by Events (2010)
6-3 体育系统机构数、从业人员数
Institutions and Engaged Persons of Physical Education System
6-4 各地区体育局系统机构和从业人员数 (2010年)
Number of Institutions and Employees in Sports Bureaus by Province (2010)
6-5 各地区优秀运动队人员情况 (2010年)
Persons in Excellent Sports Teams by Province (2010)
6-6 各地区体育运动学校人员情况 (2010年)
Persons in Physical Education and Sports Schools by Province (2010)
6-7 各地区少年儿童业余体校人员情况 (2010年)
Persons in Spare-time Sports Schools by Province (2010)
6-8 各地区体育训练基地人员情况 (2010年)
Persons in Physical Training Bases by Province (2010)
6-9 各地区在聘专职教练员人数 (2010年)
Coaches with Full-time Contracts by Province (2010)
6-10 各项目在聘专职教练员人数 (2010年)
Coaches with Full-time Contracts by Sports Item (2010)
6-11 各地区分项目优秀运动队在聘专职教练人数 (2010年)
Coaches with Full-time Contracts in Excellent Sports Teams by Province and Sports Item (2010)
6-12 各地区体育运动学校在聘专职教练员学历情况 (2010年)
Educational Attainment of Coaches with Full-time Contracts in Physical Education and Sports Schools
by Province (2010)
6-13 各地区分文化程度在队优秀运动员人数 (2010年)
Excellent Athletes with Contracts by Educational Attainment and Province (2010)
6-14 各项目分文化程度在队优秀运动员人数 (2010年)
Excellent Athletes with Contracts by Educational Attainment and Sports Item (2010)
6-15 各地区分技术等级在队优秀运动员人数 (2010年)
Excellent Athletes with Contracts by Technical Level and Province (2010)
6-16 各项目分性别和民族在队优秀运动员人数 (2010年)
Excellent Athletes with Contracts by Sex, Nationality and Sports Item (2010)
七、卫 生
Public Health
7-1 卫生机构
Number of Health Institutions
7-2 各地区医疗卫生机构 (2010年)
Number of Health Institutions by Province (2010)
7-3 村卫生室情况
Number of Village Clinics
7-4 医疗卫生机构床位情况
Number of Beds in Health Institutions
7-5 各地区医疗卫生机构床位数 (2010年)
Number of Beds in Health Institutions by Province (2010)
7-6 各地区每千人口医疗卫生机构床位(2010年)
Number of Beds in Health Institutions per 1000 Population by Region (2010)
7-7 卫生人员
Number of Employed Persons in Health Institutions
7-8 卫生人员性别、年龄、学历、职称构成 (2010年)
Composition of Medical Personnel by Sex, Age, Educational Level and Title (2010)
7-9 各地区卫生人员
Number of Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions
7-10 各地区每千人口卫生技术人员 (2010年)
Number of Medical and Technical Personnel per 1000 Population by Province (2010)
7-11 各地区乡镇卫生院人员 (2010年)
Number of Personnel in Township Health Centers by Province (2010)
7-12 各地区村卫生室人员 (2010年)
Number of Personnel in Village Clinics by Province (2010)
7-13 乡村医生和卫生员
Village Doctors, Associates and Midwives
7-14 每千人口卫生技术人员
Number of Medical and Technical Personnel per 1000 Population
7-15 卫生总费用
Total Health Expenditure
7-16 医院诊疗人次数
Number of Visits in Hospitals
7-17 医院入院人数
Number of Inpatients
7-18 医院病床使用情况
Utilization of Beds in Hospitals
7-19 农村乡镇卫生院医疗服务情况
Medical Services in Township Health Centers
7-20 各地区社区卫生服务中心(站)医疗服务情况
Medical Services of Community Health Service Centers (Stations)
7-21 综合医院工作效率
Efficiency of Medical Services in General Hospitals of Health Sector
7-22 城市居民主要疾病死亡率及死因构成(2010年)
Death Rate of Major Diseases in Urban Areas (2010)
7-23 农村居民主要疾病死亡率及死因构成(2010年)
Death Rate of Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2010)
7-24 监测地区5岁以下儿童和孕产妇死亡率
Mortality Rate of the Maternal and Children Aged under 5 in Surveillance Areas
7-25 孕产妇保健情况
Maternal Health
7-26 甲乙类法定报告传染病发病率、死亡率及病死率排序(2010年)
List of Incidence, Death and Mortality Rates of Class A and B Infectious Diseases Reported (2010)
7-27 饮用水经常性卫生监督监测情况(2010年)
Hygienic Supervision and Surveillance of Drinking Water (2010)
7-28 新型农村合作医疗情况
Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System
7-29 各地区新型农村合作医疗情况(2010年)
Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System by Region (2010)
7-30 民政部门医疗救助情况
Medical Aid of Civil Affairs Offices
Social Service
8-1 行政区划
Division of Administrative Areas
8-2 县及以上行政区划
Division of Administrative Areas at County Level and Above
8-3 乡镇级行政区划
Division of Administrative Areas at Townships Level
8-4 “七五”—“十一五”时期社会服务业发展速度
Increase Rate of Key Indicators on Development of Social Service from the 7th Five Year Plan
to the 11th Five Year Plan
8-5 社会服务发展情况
Development of Social Service
8-6 社会服务发展主要指标比较
Key Statistics on Development of Social Service
8-7 社会服务机构基本情况
Statistics on Social Service Institutions
8-8 历年社会服务机构情况
Statistics on Social Service Institutions (1978-2010)
8-9 历年社会服务机构职工情况
Staff and Workers in Social Service Institutions (1978-2010)
8-10 历年社会服务机构固定资产原值情况
Original Value of Fixed Assets in Civil Affairs Institutions (1983-2010)
8-11 各项社会服务经费情况
Expenditure on Social Service by Item
8-12 历年社会服务经费及财政支出情况
Expenditure on Social Service and Government Expenditure (1978-2010)
8-13 基本建设投资情况
Investment of Capital Construction
8-14 历年基本建设投资情况
Investment of Capital Construction (1989-2010)
8-15 历年提供住宿的社会服务机构情况
Social Welfare Residential Institutions (1978-2010)
8-16 提供住宿的社会服务机构情况
Social Welfare Institutions with Accommodation by Type
8-17 历年家庭收养儿童登记情况
Registration of Children Adopted by Families (1996-2010)
8-18 历年社区服务设施情况
Basic Statistics on Community Services Facilities(1988-2010)
8-19 各地区城市最低生活保障支出水平
Expenditure on Urban Subsistence Security by Province
8-20 各地区城市最低生活保障平均标准
Average Standard of Subsistence Allowance in Urban Areas by Province
8-21 城市传统救济和居民最低生活保障情况
Traditional Relief and Subsistence Allowance for Urban Residents
8-22 农村社会救济情况
Social Relief for Rural Residents
8-23 历年社会福利企业情况
Social Welfare Enterprises (1978-2010)
8-24 中国福利彩票销售情况
China Welfare Lottery
8-25 社会捐赠情况
Social Donations
8-26 历年社会捐赠情况
Social Donations (1997-2010)
8-27 人口受灾和救灾情况
Population Affected by Disasters and Disaster Relief
8-28 因灾造成物资损失情况
Loss of Materials Caused by Disasters
8-29 国家优抚、安置情况
Beneficiaries of Preferential Treatment and Resettlement of Demobilized Veterans
8-30 定期抚恤优抚对象情况
Regular Beneficiaries of State Pension with Preferential Treatment
8-31 定期补助优抚对象情况
Regular Beneficiaries of Subsidies with Preferential Treatment
8-32 烈士褒扬和优待情况
Commendation and Preferential Treatment of Martyrs
8-33 社会组织发展情况
Development of NGOs
8-34 历年社会组织情况
Number of NGOs (1988-2010)
8-35 自治组织发展情况
Development of Autonomy Organizations
8-36 历年自治组织发展情况
Number of Autonomy Organizations (1979-2010)
8-37 历年结婚登记情况
Registered Marriages (1978-2010)
8-38 历年离婚办理情况
Registration of Divorces (1978-2010)
8-39 历年殡葬服务情况
Statistics on Funeral Services (1978-2010)
Undertaking for Disabled Persons
9-1 社区康复服务情况 (2010年)
Community-based Rehabilitation (2010)
9-2 视力残疾康复 (2010年)
Rehabilitation of Persons with Visual Disability (2010)
9-3 听力语言残疾康复 (2010年)
Rehabilitation of Persons with Hearing and Speech Disabilities (2010)
9-4 肢体残疾康复 (2010年)
Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disability (2010)
9-5 肢体残疾康复训练服务机构情况 (2010年)
Rehabilitation Institutions for Persons with Physical Disability (2010)
9-6 智力残疾康复 (2010年)
Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disability (2010)
9-7 智力残疾康复训练服务机构情况 (2010年)
Rehabilitation Institutions for Persons with Intellectual Disability (2010)
9-8 精神病防治康复情况 (2010年)
Prevention and Rehabilitation of Mental Illness(2010)
9-9 辅助器具供应服务 (2010年)
Provision of Assistive Devices (2010)
9-10 未入学学龄残疾儿童少年情况 (2010年)
School-age Children with Disabilities Unable to Enter Schools (2010)
9-11 特殊教育普通高中情况 (2010年)
Special Education Senior High Schools (2010)
9-12 残疾人中等职业教育情况 (2010年)
Secondary Vocational Schools for PWDs (2010)
9-13 高等教育录取残疾学生情况 (2010年)
Admission of Students with Disabilities of Higher Education Institutions (2010)
9-14 残疾人职业培训 (2010年)
Vocational Training for PWDs (2010)
9-15 城镇残疾人和农村残疾人就业情况 (2010年)
Employment of PWDs in Urban and Rural Areas (2010)
9-16 残疾人参加社会保险情况 (2010年)
PWDs Covered by Social Insurance (2010)
9-17 残疾人社会保障情况 (2010年)
Social Security for PWDs (2010)
9-18 托养服务机构情况 (2010年)
Development of Care Centerss (2010)
9-19 农村贫困残疾人扶持情况 (2010年)
Poverty Alleviation for PWDs in Rural Areas (2010)
9-20 市和市辖区(不含直辖市、县级市)专门协会数 (2010年)
Special Associations in Cities and Districts (Excluding Municipalities and Cities at County Level) (2010)
9-21 县(含县级市)专门协会数 (2010年)
Special Associations in Counties (Inc. Cities at County Level) (2010)
9-22 省级文化体育情况 (2010年)
Culture and Sports Activities at Provincial Level (2010)
9-23 地市级文化体育情况 (2010年)
Culture and Sports Activities at Prefecture Level (2010)
9-24 制定或修改扶助残疾人的规定 (2010年)
Regulations Enacted or Reviewed for Assisting PWDs(2010)
9-25 执法检查情况 (2010年)
Inspection on Law Enforcement (2010)
9-26 法律服务和法律援助情况 (2010年)
Legal Service and Legal Aid (2010)
9-27 侵害残疾人合法权益大案要案查处 (2010年)
Serious Cases Investigated and Handled Which PWDs' Legal Rights Were Infringed (2010)
9-28 无障碍建设情况 (2010年)
Accessibility Environment Building (2010)
9-29 基层残疾人组织建设情况 (2010年)
Disabled Persons' Federations at Grassroots Level (2010)
9-30 县级(包括县、县级市、市辖区)残疾人综合服务设施情况 (2010年)
Comprehensive Service Facilities for Disabled Persons at County Level (2010)
Public Administration and Membership Organization
10-1 历届全国人民代表大会代表人数
Number of Deputies to National People's Congresses
10-2 历届全国政治协商会议委员人数
Number of Deputies to All the Previous Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences
10-3 公安机关立案的刑事案件及构成
Criminal Cases Registered in Public Security Organs and Composition
10-4 公安机关受理、查处治安案件数 (2010年)
Offense Cases Against Public Order Handled by Public Security Organs (2010)
10-5 交通事故情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents (2010)
10-6 火灾事故情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Fire Accidents (2010)
10-7 各地区交通事故情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents by Province (2010)
10-8 各地区火灾事故情况 (2010年)
Basic Statistics on Fire Accidents by Province (2010)
10-9 人民检察院直接立案侦查案件情况 (2010年)
Cases Directly Investigated by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-10 人民检察院审查批准、决定逮捕犯罪嫌疑人和提起公诉被告人情况 (2010年)
Arrests of Criminal Suspects Approved and Decided by People's Procuratorate
and Defendants Prosecuted by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-11 人民检察院出庭公诉情况 (2010年)
Public Prosecutions Appearing in Court by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-12 人民检察院办理刑事抗诉案件情况 (2010年)
Criminal Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-13 人民检察院办理民事、行政抗诉案件情况 (2010年)
Civil and Administrative Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-14 人民检察院纠正违法情况 (2010年)
Law-breaking Cases Rectified by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-15 人民检察院处理申诉案件情况 (2010年)
Petitions Handled by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-16 人民检察院受理举报、控告、申诉案件情况 (2010年)
Offences Reporting, Accusation and Petition Handled by People's Procuratorate (2010)
10-17 人民法院审理一审案件情况
First Trial Cases by Courts
10-18 人民法院审理刑事一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Criminal Cases Accepted and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-19 人民法院审理刑事案件罪犯情况
Criminal Offenders Heard by Courts
10-20 人民法院审理婚姻家庭、继承一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Civil Cases of Marriages, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Concluded
by Courts (2010)
10-21 人民法院审理合同纠纷一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Cases of Contract Disputes Accepted and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-22 人民法院审理知识产权一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Cases of Intellectual Property Rights Accepted and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-23 人民法院审理海事海商一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Cases of Maritime and Marine Accepted and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-24 人民法院审理权属、侵权纠纷及其他民事一审案件收结案情况(2010年)
First Trial Cases of Disputes of Right, Infringement of Right and Other Civil Affairs Accepted
and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-25 人民法院审理行政一审案件收结案情况 (2010年)
First Trial Administrative Cases Accepted and Concluded by Courts (2010)
10-26 律师工作基本情况
Basic Statistics on Lawyers
10-27 律师人员构成情况
Basic Statistics on Composition of Lawyers
10-28 律师代理刑事案件工作
Basic Statistics on Agents of Criminal Cases
10-29 律师代理民事诉讼工作
Basic Statistics on Agents of Civil Cases
10-30 法律援助工作情况
Basic Statistics on Legal Aid
10-31 公证工作基本情况
Basic Statistics on Notarization
10-32 国内经济公证文书分类
Categories of Domestic Notarized Documents on Economic Affairs
10-33 国内民事公证文书分类
Categories of Domestic Notarized Documents on Civil Affairs
10-34 涉外公证文书分类
Categories of Foreign-Related Notarized Documents
10-35 人民调解工作基本情况
Basic Statistics on the People's Mediation
10-36 调解民间纠纷分类
Categories of Civil Disputes Mediated
10-37 在押服刑人员基本情况
Basic Statistics of Inmates in Custody
10-38 中国共产党及各民主党派成员情况
Basic Statistics on Membership of the Communist Party of China and Democratic Parties
10-39 工会组织情况
Basic Statistics on Trade Unions
10-40 各地区按登记注册类型分基层工会组织情况 (2010年)
Number of Grassroot Trade Unions by Province and Status of Registration (2010)
10-41 各地区各级工会劳动法律监督工作情况 (2010年)
Legal Supervision on Labor Laws by Trade Unions at All Levels by Province (2010)
10-42 全国妇联工作情况
Basic Statistics on the All-China Women’s Federation
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
十二、附 录
教育部 国家统计局 财政部关于2009年全国教育经费执行情况统计公告