国家统计局人口和就业统计司 编
Compiled By
Population Census Office under the State Council
Department of Population and Employment Statistics
National Bureau of Statistics
上 册
第一部分 全部数据资料
第一卷 概要
1-1 各地区户数、人口数和性别比 2
1-1a 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(城市) 4
1-1b 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(镇) 6
1-1c 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(乡村) 8
1-2 各地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口 10
1-2a 各地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口(城市) 12
1-2b 各地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口(镇) 14
1-2c 各地区分性别、户口登记状况的人口(乡村) 16
1-3 各地区分性别的户籍人口状况 18
1-4 各地区分性别的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口状况 19
1-4a 各地区分性别的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口状况(城市) 21
1-4b 各地区分性别的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口状况(镇) 23
1-4c 各地区分性别的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口状况(乡村) 25
1-5 各地区分性别的农业户口、非农业户口人口 27
1-5a 各地区分性别的农业户口、非农业户口人口(城市) 29
1-5b 各地区分性别的农业户口、非农业户口人口(镇) 31
1-5c 各地区分性别的农业户口、非农业户口人口(乡村) 33
1-6 各地区分性别、民族的人口 35
1-6a 各地区分性别、民族的人口(城市) 55
1-6b 各地区分性别、民族的人口(镇) 75
1-6c 各地区分性别、民族的人口(乡村) 95
1-7 各地区分年龄、性别的人口 115
1-7a 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(城市) 123
1-7b 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(镇) 131
1-7c 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(乡村) 139
1-8 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口 147
1-8a 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(城市) 150
1-8b 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(镇) 153
1-8c 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(乡村) 156
1-9 各地区分性别的15岁及以上文盲人口 159
1-9a 各地区分性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(城市) 160
1-9b 各地区分性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(镇) 161
1-9c 各地区分性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(乡村) 162
1-10 各地区家庭户规模 163
1-10a 各地区家庭户规模(城市) 166
1-10b 各地区家庭户规模(镇) 169
1-10c 各地区家庭户规模(乡村) 172
1-11 各地区家庭户类别 175
1-11a 各地区家庭户类别(城市) 177
1-11b 各地区家庭户类别(镇) 179
1-11c 各地区家庭户类别(乡村) 181
1-12 各地区分性别、月份的出生人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 183
1-13 各地区分性别、月份的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 188
1-14 各地区家庭户的住房间数和面积 193
1-14a 各地区家庭户的住房间数和面积(城市) 194
1-14b 各地区家庭户的住房间数和面积(镇) 195
1-14c 各地区家庭户的住房间数和面积(乡村) 196
第二卷 民族
2-1 全国各民族分年龄、性别的人口 199
2-2 全国各民族分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口 259
第三卷 年龄
3-1 全国分年龄、性别的人口 265
3-1a 全国分年龄、性别的人口(城市) 268
3-1b 全国分年龄、性别的人口(镇) 271
3-1c 全国分年龄、性别的人口(乡村) 274
3-2 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(一) 277
3-2a 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(一)(城市) 279
3-2b 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(一)(镇) 281
3-2c 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(一)(乡村) 283
3-3 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(二) 285
3-3a 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(二)(城市) 287
3-3b 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(二)(镇) 289
3-3c 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比(二)(乡村) 291
第四卷 受教育程度
4-1 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口 295
4-1a 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(城市) 301
4-1b 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(镇) 307
4-1c 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(乡村) 313
4-2 全国分年龄、性别的15岁及以上文盲人口 319
4-2a 全国分年龄、性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(城市) 321
4-2b 全国分年龄、性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(镇) 323
4-2c 全国分年龄、性别的15岁及以上文盲人口(乡村) 325
4-3 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的15岁及以上文盲人口 327
4-3a 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的15岁及以上文盲人口(城市) 331
4-3b 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的15岁及以上文盲人口(镇) 335
4-3c 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度的15岁及以上文盲人口(乡村) 339
第五卷 家庭
5-1 全国不同规模的家庭户类别 345
5-1a 全国不同规模的家庭户类别(城市) 345
5-1b 全国不同规模的家庭户类别(镇) 346
5-1c 全国不同规模的家庭户类别(乡村) 346
5-2 各地区分年龄、性别的一人户 347
5-2a 各地区分年龄、性别的一人户(城市) 354
5-2b 各地区分年龄、性别的一人户(镇) 361
5-2c 各地区分年龄、性别的一人户(乡村) 368
5-3 各地区家庭户中民族混合户户数 375
5-3a 各地区家庭户中民族混合户户数(城市) 376
5-3b 各地区家庭户中民族混合户户数(镇) 377
5-3c 各地区家庭户中民族混合户户数(乡村) 378
5-4 各地区有60岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数 379
5-4a 各地区有60岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(城市) 380
5-4b 各地区有60岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(镇) 381
5-4c 各地区有60岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(乡村) 382
5-5 各地区有65岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数 383
5-5a 各地区有65岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(城市) 384
5-5b 各地区有65岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(镇) 385
5-5c 各地区有65岁及以上老年人口的家庭户户数(乡村) 386
第六卷 死亡
6-1 各地区分年龄、性别的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 389
6-1a 各地区分年龄、性别的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 397
6-1b 各地区分年龄、性别的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 405
6-1c 各地区分年龄、性别的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 413
6-2 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 421
6-2a 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 424
6-2b 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 427
6-2c 各地区分性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 430
6-3 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 433
6-3a 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 435
6-3b 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 437
6-3c 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 439
6-4 全国分年龄、性别的死亡人口状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 441
6-4a 全国分年龄、性别的死亡人口状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 444
6-4b 全国分年龄、性别的死亡人口状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 447
6-4c 全国分年龄、性别的死亡人口状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 450
6-5 全国各民族的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 453
6-5a 全国各民族的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 454
6-5b 全国各民族的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 455
6-5c 全国各民族的死亡人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 456
第七卷 户口登记状况
7-1 全国按现住地、户口登记地、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口 458
7-1a 全国按现住地、户口登记地、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(城市) 460
7-1b 全国按现住地、户口登记地、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(镇) 462
7-1c 全国按现住地、户口登记地、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(乡村) 464
7-2 全国按户口登记地、年龄、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口 466
7-2a 全国按户口登记地、年龄、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(城市) 472
7-2b 全国按户口登记地、年龄、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(镇) 478
7-2c 全国按户口登记地、年龄、性别分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(乡村) 484
7-3 全国按现住地、性别分的户口登记地在外省的人口 490
7-3a 全国按现住地、性别分的户口登记地在外省的人口(城市) 501
7-3b 全国按现住地、性别分的户口登记地在外省的人口(镇) 512
7-3c 全国按现住地、性别分的户口登记地在外省的人口(乡村) 523
7-4 全国按现住地、离开户口登记地时间分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口 534
7-4a 全国按现住地、离开户口登记地时间分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(城市) 537
7-4b 全国按现住地、离开户口登记地时间分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(镇) 540
7-4c 全国按现住地、离开户口登记地时间分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(乡村) 543
7-5 全国按户口登记地、性别、受教育程度分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口 546
7-5a 全国按户口登记地、性别、受教育程度分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(城市) 547
7-5b 全国按户口登记地、性别、受教育程度分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(镇) 548
7-5c 全国按户口登记地、性别、受教育程度分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(乡村) 549
7-6 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口 550
7-6a 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(城市) 553
7-6b 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(镇) 556
7-6c 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(乡村) 559
7-7 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在外省人口 562
7-7a 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在外省人口(城市) 565
7-7b 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在外省人口(镇) 568
7-7c 全国按现住地、受教育程度、性别分的户口登记地在外省人口(乡村) 571
7-8 全国分年龄、性别、迁移原因的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口 574
7-8a 全国分年龄、性别、迁移原因的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(城市) 582
7-8b 全国分年龄、性别、迁移原因的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(镇) 590
7-8c 全国分年龄、性别、迁移原因的户口登记地在外乡镇街道的人口(乡村) 598
7-9 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口 606
7-9a 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(城市) 610
7-9b 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(镇) 614
7-9c 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口(乡村) 618
7-10 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在外省人口 622
7-10a 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在外省人口(城市) 626
7-10b 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在外省人口(镇) 630
7-10c 全国按现住地、性别、迁移原因分的户口登记地在外省人口(乡村) 634
第八卷 住房
8-1 各地区按住房间数分的家庭户户数 641
8-1a 各地区按住房间数分的家庭户户数(城市) 643
8-1b 各地区按住房间数分的家庭户户数(镇) 645
8-1c 各地区按住房间数分的家庭户户数(乡村) 647
8-2 各地区按人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数 649
8-2a 各地区按人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(城市) 651
8-2b 各地区按人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(镇) 653
8-2c 各地区按人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(乡村) 655
8-3 各地区按家庭户类别和住房间数分的家庭户户数 657
8-3a 各地区按家庭户类别和住房间数分的家庭户户数(城市) 662
8-3b 各地区按家庭户类别和住房间数分的家庭户户数(镇) 667
8-3c 各地区按家庭户类别和住房间数分的家庭户户数(乡村) 672
8-4 全国按户主的受教育程度分的家庭户住房状况 677
8-4a 全国按户主的受教育程度分的家庭户住房状况(城市) 677
8-4b 全国按户主的受教育程度分的家庭户住房状况(镇) 677
8-4c 全国按户主的受教育程度分的家庭户住房状况(乡村) 678
8-5 全国按户主受教育程度、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数 678
8-5a 全国按户主受教育程度、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(城市) 679
8-5b 全国按户主受教育程度、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(镇) 679
8-5c 全国按户主受教育程度、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(乡村) 680
中 册
第二部分 长表数据资料
第一卷 概要
1-1 各地区户数、人口数和性别比 682
1-1a 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(城市) 684
1-1b 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(镇) 686
1-1c 各地区户数、人口数和性别比(乡村) 688
1-2 各地区分性别的农业户口、非农业户口人口 690
1-3 各地区分年龄、性别的人口 692
1-3a 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(城市) 700
1-3b 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(镇) 708
1-3c 各地区分年龄、性别的人口(乡村) 716
1-4 全国分年龄、性别的人口 724
1-4a 全国分年龄、性别的人口(城市) 727
1-4b 全国分年龄、性别的人口(镇) 730
1-4c 全国分年龄、性别的人口(乡村) 733
第二卷 民族
2-1 全国各民族分性别、行业的人口 739
2-2 全国各民族分性别、职业的人口 746
2-3 全国各民族分性别的未工作人口 749
2-4 全国各民族分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上人口 753
2-5 全国按民族、生育孩次分的育龄妇女人数(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 755
2-6 全国各民族15-64岁妇女平均活产子女数和平均存活子女数 757
第三卷 受教育程度
3-1 全国分学业完成情况、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口 761
3-1a 全国分学业完成情况、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(城市) 762
3-1b 全国分学业完成情况、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(镇) 763
3-1c 全国分学业完成情况、性别、受教育程度的6岁及以上人口(乡村) 764
3-2 全国分年龄、性别、学业完成情况的6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口 765
3-2a 全国分年龄、性别、学业完成情况的6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(城市) 779
3-2b 全国分年龄、性别、学业完成情况的6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(镇) 793
3-2c 全国分年龄、性别、学业完成情况的6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(乡村) 807
第四卷 就业
4-1 各地区分性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况 822
4-1a 各地区分性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(城市) 825
4-1b 各地区分性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(镇) 828
4-1c 各地区分性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(乡村) 831
4-2 全国分年龄、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况 834
4-2a 全国分年龄、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(城市) 838
4-2b 全国分年龄、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(镇) 842
4-2c 全国分年龄、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(乡村) 846
4-3 全国分受教育程度、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况 850
4-3a 全国分受教育程度、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(城市) 850
4-3b 全国分受教育程度、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(镇) 851
4-3c 全国分受教育程度、性别的16岁及以上人口的就业状况(乡村) 851
4-4 各地区分性别、行业大类的就业人口 852
4-4a 各地区分性别、行业大类的就业人口(城市) 891
4-4b 各地区分性别、行业大类的就业人口(镇) 930
4-4c 各地区分性别、行业大类的就业人口(乡村) 969
4-5 全国分年龄、性别、行业大类的就业人口 1008
4-5a 全国分年龄、性别、行业大类的就业人口(城市) 1021
4-5b 全国分年龄、性别、行业大类的就业人口(镇) 1034
4-5c 全国分年龄、性别、行业大类的就业人口(乡村) 1047
4-6 全国分受教育程度、性别、行业中类的就业人口 1060
4-6a 全国分受教育程度、性别、行业中类的就业人口(城市) 1090
4-6b 全国分受教育程度、性别、行业中类的就业人口(镇) 1120
4-6c 全国分受教育程度、性别、行业中类的就业人口(乡村) 1150
4-7 各地区分性别、职业中类的就业人口 1180
4-7a 各地区分性别、职业中类的就业人口(城市) 1204
4-7b 各地区分性别、职业中类的就业人口(镇) 1228
4-7c 各地区分性别、职业中类的就业人口(乡村) 1252
4-8 全国分年龄、性别、职业中类的就业人口 1276
4-8a 全国分年龄、性别、职业中类的就业人口(城市) 1284
4-8b 全国分年龄、性别、职业中类的就业人口(镇) 1292
4-8c 全国分年龄、性别、职业中类的就业人口(乡村) 1300
4-9 各地区分性别、受教育程度的就业人口 1308
4-9a 各地区分性别、受教育程度的就业人口(城市) 1311
4-9b 各地区分性别、受教育程度的就业人口(镇) 1314
4-9c 各地区分性别、受教育程度的就业人口(乡村) 1317
4-10 各地区分性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口 1320
4-10a 各地区分性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(城市) 1323
4-10b 各地区分性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(镇) 1326
4-10c 各地区分性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(乡村) 1329
4-11 全国分年龄、性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口 1332
4-11a 全国分年龄、性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(城市) 1333
4-11b 全国分年龄、性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(镇) 1334
4-11c 全国分年龄、性别、周工作时间的正在工作人口(乡村) 1335
4-12 全国分性别、行业中类、周工作时间的正在工作人口 1336
4-12a 全国分性别、行业中类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(城市) 1396
4-12b 全国分性别、行业中类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(镇) 1456
4-12c 全国分性别、行业中类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(乡村) 1516
下 册
第二部分 长表数据资料(续)
第四卷 就业(续)
4-13 全国分性别、职业小类、周工作时间的正在工作人口 1576
4-13a 全国分性别、职业小类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(城市) 1630
4-13b 全国分性别、职业小类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(镇) 1684
4-13c 全国分性别、职业小类、周工作时间的正在工作人口(乡村) 1738
4-14 各地区分性别、未工作原因的失业人口 1792
4-14a 各地区分性别、未工作原因的失业人口(城市) 1795
4-14b 各地区分性别、未工作原因的失业人口(镇) 1798
4-14c 各地区分性别、未工作原因的失业人口(乡村) 1801
4-15 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的失业人口 1804
4-15a 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(城市) 1805
4-15b 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(镇) 1806
4-15c 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(乡村) 1807
4-16 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的失业人口 1808
4-16a 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(城市) 1808
4-16b 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(镇) 1809
4-16c 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的失业人口(乡村) 1809
4-17 各地区分性别、未工作时间的失业人口 1810
4-17a 各地区分性别、未工作时间的失业人口(城市) 1813
4-17b 各地区分性别、未工作时间的失业人口(镇) 1816
4-17c 各地区分性别、未工作时间的失业人口(乡村) 1819
4-18 全国分年龄、性别、未工作时间的失业人口 1822
4-18a 全国分年龄、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(城市) 1823
4-18b 全国分年龄、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(镇) 1824
4-18c 全国分年龄、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(乡村) 1825
4-19 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作时间的失业人口 1826
4-19a 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(城市) 1826
4-19b 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(镇) 1827
4-19c 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作时间的失业人口(乡村) 1827
4-20 各地区分性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口 1828
4-20a 各地区分性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(城市) 1831
4-20b 各地区分性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(镇) 1834
4-20c 各地区分性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(乡村) 1837
4-21 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口 1840
4-21a 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(城市) 1841
4-21b 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(镇) 1842
4-21c 全国分年龄、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(乡村) 1843
4-22 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口 1844
4-22a 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(城市) 1845
4-22b 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(镇) 1846
4-22c 全国分受教育程度、性别、未工作原因的非经济活动人口(乡村) 1847
第五卷 婚姻
5-1 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上人口 1850
5-1a 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上人口(城市) 1852
5-1b 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上人口(镇) 1854
5-1c 各地区分性别、婚姻状况的15岁及以上人口(乡村) 1856
5-2 全国分性别、职业、婚姻状况的人口 1858
5-2a 全国分性别、职业、婚姻状况的人口(城市) 1859
5-2b 全国分性别、职业、婚姻状况的人口(镇) 1860
5-2c 全国分性别、职业、婚姻状况的人口(乡村) 1861
5-3 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度、婚姻状况的人口 1862
5-3a 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度、婚姻状况的人口(城市) 1878
5-3b 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度、婚姻状况的人口(镇) 1894
5-3c 全国分年龄、性别、受教育程度、婚姻状况的人口(乡村) 1910
5-4 全国分初婚年龄、性别、初婚年份的人口 1926
5-4a 全国分初婚年龄、性别、初婚年份的人口(城市) 1937
5-4b 全国分初婚年龄、性别、初婚年份的人口(镇) 1948
5-4c 全国分初婚年龄、性别、初婚年份的人口(乡村) 1959
5-5 全国分年龄、性别、初婚年龄的人口 1970
5-5a 全国分年龄、性别、初婚年龄的人口(城市) 1980
5-5b 全国分年龄、性别、初婚年龄的人口(镇) 1990
5-5c 全国分年龄、性别、初婚年龄的人口(乡村) 2000
5-6 全国分性别、受教育程度、初婚年龄的人口 2010
5-6a 全国分性别、受教育程度、初婚年龄的人口(城市) 2013
5-6b 全国分性别、受教育程度、初婚年龄的人口(镇) 2016
5-6c 全国分性别、受教育程度、初婚年龄的人口(乡村) 2019
第六卷 生育
6-1 各地区分性别、孩次的出生人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2024
6-1a 各地区分性别、孩次的出生人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 2027
6-1b 各地区分性别、孩次的出生人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 2030
6-1c 各地区分性别、孩次的出生人口(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 2033
6-2 全国按年龄、受教育程度、生育孩次分的育龄妇女人数(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2036
6-2a 全国按年龄、受教育程度、生育孩次分的育龄妇女人数(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 2052
6-2b 全国按年龄、受教育程度、生育孩次分的育龄妇女人数(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 2068
6-2c 全国按年龄、受教育程度、生育孩次分的育龄妇女人数(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 2084
6-3 全国育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2100
6-3a 全国育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(城市) 2101
6-3b 全国育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(镇) 2102
6-3c 全国育龄妇女分年龄、孩次的生育状况(2009.11.1-2010.10.31)(乡村) 2103
6-4 各地区育龄妇女年龄别生育率及总和生育率 2104
6-4a 各地区育龄妇女年龄别生育率及总和生育率(城市) 2105
6-4b 各地区育龄妇女年龄别生育率及总和生育率(镇) 2106
6-4c 各地区育龄妇女年龄别生育率及总和生育率(乡村) 2107
6-5 各地区按活产子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2108
6-6 全国按受教育程度、活产子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2109
6-7 全国按职业、活产子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2109
6-8 各地区按存活子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2110
6-9 全国按受教育程度、存活子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2111
6-10 全国按职业、存活子女数分的15-64岁妇女人数 2111
6-11 各地区15-64岁妇女平均活产子女数和平均存活子女数 2112
6-12 全国按年龄分的15-64岁妇女平均活产子女数和平均存活子女数 2113
6-13 全国按受教育程度分的15-64岁妇女平均活产子女数和平均存活子女数 2114
第七卷 迁移和户口登记地
7-1 全国按现住地、户口登记地类型分的户口登记地在外乡镇街道人口 2117
7-2 全国按现住地、职业和性别分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口 2168
7-3 全国按现住地、职业和性别分的户口登记地在外省人口 2171
7-4 全国按现住地、户口登记地、孩次分的2009.11.1-2010.10.31有过生育的妇女人数 2174
7-5 全国按现住地、户口登记地类型、受教育程度分的户口登记地在本省其他乡镇街道人口 2176
7-6 全国按现住地、户口登记地类型、受教育程度分的户口登记地在外省人口 2180
7-7 全国按现住地和出生地分的人口 2184
7-8 全国按现住地和五年前常住地分的人口 2188
第八卷 老年人口
8-1 各地区分性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口 2195
8-1a 各地区分性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2197
8-1b 各地区分性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2199
8-1c 各地区分性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2201
8-2 全国分年龄、性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口 2203
8-2a 全国分年龄、性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2205
8-2b 全国分年龄、性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2207
8-2c 全国分年龄、性别、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2209
8-3 全国分性别、婚姻状况、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口 2211
8-3a 全国分性别、婚姻状况、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2211
8-3b 全国分性别、婚姻状况、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2212
8-3c 全国分性别、婚姻状况、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2212
8-4 全国分性别、主要生活来源、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口 2213
8-4a 全国分性别、主要生活来源、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2214
8-4b 全国分性别、主要生活来源、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2215
8-4c 全国分性别、主要生活来源、健康状况的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2216
8-5 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口 2217
8-5a 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2220
8-5b 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2223
8-5c 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2226
8-6 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口 2229
8-6a 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2232
8-6b 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2235
8-6c 各地区分性别、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2238
8-7 全国分年龄、性别、主要生活来源的45岁及以上人口 2241
8-7a 全国分年龄、性别、主要生活来源的45岁及以上人口(城市) 2244
8-7b 全国分年龄、性别、主要生活来源的45岁及以上人口(镇) 2247
8-7c 全国分年龄、性别、主要生活来源的45岁及以上人口(乡村) 2250
8-8 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口 2253
8-8a 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2254
8-8b 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2255
8-8c 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的60岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2256
8-9 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口 2257
8-9a 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(城市) 2258
8-9b 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(镇) 2259
8-9c 全国分性别、婚姻状况、主要生活来源的65岁及以上老年人口(乡村) 2260
第九卷 住房
9-1 各地区按住房用途、建筑层数、承重类型分的家庭户户数 2263
9-1a 各地区按住房用途、建筑层数、承重类型分的家庭户户数(城市) 2265
9-1b 各地区按住房用途、建筑层数、承重类型分的家庭户户数(镇) 2267
9-1c 各地区按住房用途、建筑层数、承重类型分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2269
9-2 各地区按住房建成年代分的家庭户住房状况 2271
9-2a 各地区按住房建成年代分的家庭户住房状况(城市) 2274
9-2b 各地区按住房建成年代分的家庭户住房状况(镇) 2277
9-2c 各地区按住房建成年代分的家庭户住房状况(乡村) 2280
9-3 各地区按住房设施状况分的家庭户户数 2283
9-3a 各地区按住房设施状况分的家庭户户数(城市) 2286
9-3b 各地区按住房设施状况分的家庭户户数(镇) 2289
9-3c 各地区按住房设施状况分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2292
9-4 各地区按住房来源分的家庭户户数 2295
9-4a 各地区按住房来源分的家庭户户数(城市) 2295
9-4b 各地区按住房来源分的家庭户户数(镇) 2297
9-4c 各地区按住房来源分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2298
9-5 各地区按月租房费用分的家庭户户数 2299
9-5a 各地区按月租房费用分的家庭户户数(城市) 2300
9-5b 各地区按月租房费用分的家庭户户数(镇) 2301
9-5c 各地区按月租房费用分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2302
9-6 各地区按住房来源分的同时拥有厨房和厕所的家庭户户数 2303
9-6a 各地区按住房来源分的同时拥有厨房和厕所的家庭户户数(城市) 2304
9-6b 各地区按住房来源分的同时拥有厨房和厕所的家庭户户数(镇) 2305
9-6c 各地区按住房来源分的同时拥有厨房和厕所的家庭户户数(乡村) 2306
9-7 全国按户主的受教育程度、住房来源分的家庭户户数 2307
9-7a 全国按户主的受教育程度、住房来源分的家庭户户数(城市) 2307
9-7b 全国按户主的受教育程度、住房来源分的家庭户户数(镇) 2308
9-7c 全国按户主的受教育程度、住房来源分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2308
9-8 全国按户主的受教育程度、月租房费用分的家庭户户数 2309
9-8a 全国按户主的受教育程度、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(城市) 2309
9-8b 全国按户主的受教育程度、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(镇) 2310
9-8c 全国按户主的受教育程度、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2310
9-9 全国按户主的职业、住房来源分的家庭户户数 2311
9-9a 全国按户主的职业、住房来源分的家庭户户数(城市) 2311
9-9b 全国按户主的职业、住房来源分的家庭户户数(镇) 2312
9-9c 全国按户主的职业、住房来源分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2312
9-10 全国按户主的职业、月租房费用分的家庭户户数 2313
9-10a 全国按户主的职业、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(城市) 2313
9-10b 全国按户主的职业、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(镇) 2314
9-10c 全国按户主的职业、月租房费用分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2314
9-11 全国按户主的职业分的家庭户住房状况 2315
9-11a 全国按户主的职业分的家庭户住房状况(城市) 2315
9-11b 全国按户主的职业分的家庭户住房状况(镇) 2316
9-11c 全国按户主的职业分的家庭户住房状况(乡村) 2316
9-12 全国按户主的职业、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数 2317
9-12a 全国按户主的职业、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(城市) 2318
9-12b 全国按户主的职业、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(镇) 2319
9-12c 全国按户主的职业、人均住房建筑面积分的家庭户户数(乡村) 2320
附 录
附录1 中国人民解放军现役军人主要数据
1-1 中国人民解放军现役军人的年龄构成 2323
1-2 中国人民解放军现役军人的民族构成 2324
1-3 中国人民解放军现役军人的受教育程度构成 2325
附录2 第六次全国人口普查港澳台居民和外籍人员数据
2-1 按地区分的境外人员 2329
2-2 按年龄、性别分的境外人员 2330
2-3 按来大陆或来华目的分的境外人员 2332
2-4 按已在大陆或在华居住时间分的境外人员 2332
2-5 按受教育程度分的境外人员 2332
2-6 按国籍分的境外人员 2333
附录3 2010年第六次全国人口普查主要数据公报(第1号) 2337
附录4 2010年第六次全国人口普查主要数据公报(第2号) 2343
附录5 2010年第六次全国人口普查接受普查登记的港澳台居民和外籍人员主要数据 2347
附录6 全国人口普查条例 2351
附录7 第六次全国人口普查方案 2357
附录8 第六次全国人口普查表
第六次全国人口普查表短表 2365
第六次全国人口普查表长表 2367
第六次全国人口普查表短表(供港澳台和外籍人员使用) 2369
第六次全国人口普查死亡人口调查表 2373
附录9 第六次全国人口普查表填写说明 2377
附录10 第六次全国人口普查长表抽样工作细则 2395
附录11 统计上划分城乡的规定 2403
Book Ⅰ
PartⅠ Data from All Households
Volume 1 Summary
1-1 Households, population and sex ratio by region 2
1-1a Households, population and sex ratio in cities by region 4
1-1b Households, population and sex ratio in towns by region 6
1-1c Households, population and sex ratio in rural areas by region 8
1-2 Population by sex, household registration status and region 10
1-2a City population by sex, household registration status and region 12
1-2b Town population by sex, household registration status and region 14
1-2c Rural population by sex, household registration status and region 16
1-3 Population by sex, status of household registration and region 18
1-4 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by sex and region 19
1-4a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street
Communities by sex and region 21
1-4b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street
communities by sex and region 23
1-4c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street
communities by sex and region 25
1-5 Population by sex, agricultural and non-agricultural household registration and region 27
1-5a City population by sex, agricultural and non-agricultural household registration and region 29
1-5b Town population by sex, agricultural and non-agricultural household registration and region 31
1-5c Rural population by sex, agricultural and non-agricultural household registration and region 33
1-6 Population by sex, nationality and region 35
1-6a City population by sex, nationality and region 55
1-6b Town population by sex, nationality and region 75
1-6c Rural population by sex, nationality and region 95
1-7 Population by age, sex and region 115
1-7a City population by age, sex and region 123
1-7b Town population by age, sex and region 131
1-7c Rural population by age, sex and region 139
1-8 Population aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and region 147
1-8a City population aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and region 150
1-8b Town population aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and region 153
1-8c Rural population aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and region 156
1-9 Illiterate population aged 15 and over by sex and region 159
1-9a Illiterate population aged 15 and over in cities by sex and region 160
1-9b Illiterate population aged 15 and over in towns by sex and region 161
1-9c Illiterate population aged 15 and over in rural areas by sex and region 162
1-10 Family households by size and region 163
1-10a Family households in cities by size and region 166
1-10b Family households in towns by size and region 169
1-10c Family households in rural areas by size and region 172
1-11 Family households by type and region 175
1-11a Family households in cities by type and region 177
1-11b Family households in towns by type and region 179
1-11c Family households in rural areas by type and region 181
1-12 Births by sex, month of birth and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 183
1-13 Deaths by sex, month of death and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 188
1-14 Number of rooms and floor space of family households by region 193
1-14a Number of rooms and floor space of city family households by region 194
1-14b Number of rooms and floor space of town family households by region 195
1-14c Number of rooms and floor space of rural family households by region 196
Volume 2 Nationality
2-1 Population by age, sex and nationality 199
2-2 Population aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and nationality 259
Volume 3 Age
3-1 Population by age and sex 265
3-1a City population by age and sex 268
3-1b Town population by age and sex 271
3-1c Rural population by age and sex 274
3-2 Age composition and dependency ratio by region(I) 277
3-2a Age composition and dependency ratio of city population by region(I) 279
3-2b Age composition and dependency ratio of town population by region(I) 281
3-2c Age composition and dependency ratio of rural population by region(I) 283
3-3 Age composition and dependency ratio by region(II) 285
3-3a Age composition and dependency ratio of city population by region(II) 287
3-3b Age composition and dependency ratio of town population by region(II) 289
3-3c Age composition and dependency ratio of rural population by region(II) 291
Volume 4 Educational Attainment
4-1 Population aged 6 and over by age, sex and educational attainment 295
4-1a City population aged 6 and over by age, sex and educational attainment 301
4-1b Town population aged 6 and over by age, sex and educational attainment 307
4-1c Rural population aged 6 and over by age, sex and educational attainment 313
4-2 Illiterate population aged 15 and over by age and sex 319
4-2a Illiterate population aged 15 and over in cities by age and sex 321
4-2b Illiterate population aged 15 and over in towns by age and sex 323
4-2c Illiterate population aged 15 and over in rural areas by age and sex 325
4-3 Illiterate population aged 15 and over by age, sex and educational attainment 327
4-3a Illiterate population aged 15 and over in cities by age, sex and educational attainment 331
4-3b Illiterate population aged 15 and over in towns by age, sex and educational attainment 335
4-3c Illiterate population aged 15 and over in rural areas by age, sex and educational attainment 339
Volume 5 Family Households
5-1 Family households by size and type 345
5-1a Family households in cities by size and type 345
5-1b Family households in towns by size and type 346
5-1c Family households in rural areas by size and type 346
5-2 Family households with one person by age, sex and region 347
5-2a Family households with one person in cities by age, sex and region 354
5-2b Family households with one person in towns by age, sex and region 361
5-2c Family households with one person in rural areas by age, sex and region 368
5-3 Family households with more than one nationality by region 375
5-3a Family households with more than one nationality in cities by region 376
5-3b Family households with more than one nationality in towns by region 377
5-3c Family households with more than one nationality in rural areas by region 378
5-4 Family households with persons aged 60 and over by region 379
5-4a Family households with persons aged 60 and over in cities by region 380
5-4b Family households with persons aged 60 and over in towns by region 381
5-4c Family households with persons aged 60 and over in rural areas by region 382
5-5 Family households with persons aged 65 and over by region 383
5-5a Family households with persons aged 65 and over in cities by region 384
5-5b Family households with persons aged 65 and over in towns by region 385
5-5c Family households with persons aged 65 and over in rural areas by region 386
Volume 6 Mortality
6-1 Deaths by age, sex and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 389
6-1a Deaths in cities by age, sex and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 397
6-1b Deaths in towns by age, sex and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 405
6-1c Deaths in rural areas by age, sex and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 413
6-2 Deaths aged 6 and over by sex, educational attainment and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 421
6-2a Deaths aged 6 and over in cities by sex, educational attainment and region
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 424
6-2b Deaths aged 6 and over in towns by sex, educational attainment and region
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 427
6-2c Deaths aged 6 and over in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and region
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 430
6-3 Deaths aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 433
6-3a Deaths aged 15 and over in cities by sex, marital status and region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 435
6-3b Deaths aged 15 and over in towns by sex, marital status and region (2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 437
6-3c Deaths aged 15 and over in rural areas by sex, marital status and region
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 439
6-4 Deaths and death rate by age and sex(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 441
6-4a Deaths and death rate in cities by age and sex(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 444
6-4b Deaths and death rate in towns by age and sex(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 447
6-4c Deaths and death rate in rural areas by age and sex(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 450
6-5 Deaths by nationality(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 453
6-5a Deaths in cities by nationality(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 454
6-5b Deaths in towns by nationality(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 455
6-5c Deaths in rural areas by nationality(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 456
Volume 7 Migration
7-1 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence , household registration place and sex 458
7-1a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence, household registration place and sex 460
7-1b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence , household registration place and sex 462
7-1c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence , household registration place and sex 464
7-2 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, age and sex 466
7-2a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, age and sex 472
7-2b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, age and sex 478
7-2c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, age and sex 484
7-3 Population with household registration in other provinces by current residence and sex 490
7-3a City population with household registration in other provinces by current residence and sex 501
7-3b Town population with household registration in other provinces by current residence and sex 512
7-3c Rural population with household registration in other provinces by current residence and sex 523
7-4 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence and time of leaving the household registration place 534
7-4a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence and time of leaving the household registration place 537
7-4b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence and time of leaving the household registration place 540
7-4c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence and time of leaving the household registration place 543
7-5 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, sex and educational attainment 546
7-5a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, sex and educational attainment 547
7-5b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, sex and educational attainment 548
7-5c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by household registration place, sex and educational attainment 549
7-6 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities within
the province by current residence, educational attainment and sex 550
7-6a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, educational attainment and sex 553
7-6b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, educational attainment and sex 556
7-6c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, educational attainment and sex 559
7-7 Population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, educational
attainment and sex 562
7-7a City population with household registration in other provinces by current residence,
educational attainment and sex 565
7-7b Town population with household registration in other provinces by current residence,
educational attainment and sex 568
7-7c Rural population with household registration in other provinces by current residence,
educational attainment and sex 571
7-8 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities by age,
sex and reason of migration 574
7-8a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by age, sex and reason of migration 582
7-8b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by age, sex and reason of migration 590
7-8c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by age, sex and reason of migration 598
7-9 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, sex and reason of migration 606
7-9a City population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, sex and reason of migration 610
7-9b Town population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, sex and reason of migration 614
7-9c Rural population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, sex and reason of migration 618
7-10 Population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, sex and reason
of migration 622
7-10a City population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, sex and
reason of migration 626
7-10b Town population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, sex and
reason of migration 630
7-10c Rural population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, sex and
reason of migration 634
Volume 8 Housing
8-1 Family households by number of rooms and region 641
8-1a Family households in cities by number of rooms and region 643
8-1b Family households in towns by number of rooms and region 645
8-1c Family households in rural areas by number of rooms and region 647
8-2 Family households by per capita floor space and region 649
8-2a Family households in cities by per capita floor space and region 651
8-2b Family households in towns by per capita floor space and region 653
8-2c Family households in rural areas by per capita floor space and region 655
8-3 Family households by type of family household, number of rooms and region 657
8-3a Family households in cities by type of family household, number of rooms and region 662
8-3b Family households in towns by type of family household, number of rooms and region 667
8-3c Family households in rural areas by type of family household, number of rooms and region 672
8-4 Status of housing by educational attainment of household heads 677
8-4a Status of housing in cities by educational attainment of household heads 677
8-4b Status of housing in towns by educational attainment of household heads 677
8-4c Status of housing in rural areas by educational attainment of household heads 678
8-5 Family households by educational attainment of household heads and per capita floor space 678
8-5a Family households in cities by educational attainment of household heads and per capita
floor space 679
8-5b Family households in towns by educational attainment of household heads and per capita
floor space 679
8-5c Family households in rural areas by educational attainment of household heads and per capita
floor space 680
Book Ⅱ
Part Ⅱ Data from Households Using Long Form
Volume 1 Summary
1-1 Households, population and sex ratio by region 682
1-1a Households, population and sex ratio in cities by region 684
1-1b Households, population and sex ratio in towns by region 686
1-1c Households, population and sex ratio in rural areas by region 688
1-2 Population by sex, agricultural and non-agricultural household registration and region 690
1-3 Population by age, sex and region 692
1-3a City population by age, sex and region 700
1-3b Town population by age, sex and region 708
1-3c Rural population by age, sex and region 716
1-4 Population by age and sex 724
1-4a City population by age and sex 727
1-4b Town population by age and sex 730
1-4c Rural population by age and sex 733
Volume 2 Nationality
2-1 Population by sex, industry and nationality 739
2-2 Population by sex, occupation and nationality 746
2-3 Non-working population by sex and nationality 749
2-4 Population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and nationality 753
2-5 Women aged 15-49 by birth order and nationality 755
2-6 Average number of children ever born alive and surviving to women aged 15-64 by nationality 757
Volume 3 Educational Attainment
3-1 Population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school completion and educational attainment 761
3-1a City population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school completion and educational attainment 762
3-1b Town population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school completion and educational attainment 763
3-1c Rural population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school completion and educational attainment 764
3-2 Population aged 6 and over by age, sex, status of school completion and educational attainment 765
3-2a City population aged 6 and over by age, sex, status of school completion and educational
attainment 779
3-2b Town population aged 6 and over by age, sex, status of school completion and educational
attainment 793
3-2c Rural population aged 6 and over by age, sex, status of school completion and educational
attainment 807
Volume 4 Employment
4-1 Employment status of population aged 16 and over by sex and region 822
4-1a Employment status of population aged 16 and over in cities by sex and region 825
4-1b Employment status of population aged 16 and over in towns by sex and region 828
4-1c Employment status of population aged 16 and over in rural areas by sex and region 831
4-2 Employment status of population aged 16 and over by age and sex 834
4-2a Employment status of population aged 16 and over in cities by age and sex 838
4-2b Employment status of population aged 16 and over in towns by age and sex 842
4-2c Employment status of population aged 16 and over in rural areas by age and sex 846
4-3 Employment status of population aged 16 and over by sex and educational attainment 850
4-3a Employment status of population aged 16 and over in cities by sex and educational attainment 850
4-3b Employment status of population aged 16 and over in towns by sex and educational attainment 851
4-3c Employment status of population aged 16 and over in rural areas by sex and educational
attainment 851
4-4 Employed population by sex,2-digit classification of industry and region 852
4-4a Employed population in cities by sex,2-digit classification of industry and region 891
4-4b Employed population in towns by sex,2-digit classification of industry and region 930
4-4c Employed population in rural areas by sex,2-digit classification of industry and region 969
4-5 Employed population by age, sex and 2-digit classification of industry 1008
4-5a Employed population in cities by age, sex and 2-digit classification of industry 1021
4-5b Employed population in towns by age, sex and 2-digit classification of industry 1034
4-5c Employed population in rural areas by age, sex and 2-digit classification of industry 1047
4-6 Employed population by sex, educational attainment and 3-digit classification of industry 1060
4-6a Employed population in cities by sex, educational attainment and 3-digit classification
of industry 1090
4-6b Employed population in towns by sex, educational attainment and 3-digit classification
of industry 1120
4-6c Employed population in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and 3-digit classification
of industry 1150
4-7 Employed population by sex,2-digit classification of occupation and region 1180
4-7a Employed population in cities by sex,2-digit classification of occupation and region 1204
4-7b Employed population in towns by sex,2-digit classification of occupation and region 1228
4-7c Employed population in rural areas by sex,2-digit classification of occupation and region 1252
4-8 Employed population by age, sex and 2-digit classification of occupation 1276
4-8a Employed population in cities by age, sex and 2-digit classification of occupation 1284
4-8b Employed population in towns by age, sex and 2-digit classification of occupation 1292
4-8c Employed population in rural areas by age, sex and 2-digit classification of occupation 1300
4-9 Employed population by sex, educational attainment and region 1308
4-9a Employed population in cities by sex, educational attainment and region 1311
4-9b Employed population in towns by sex, educational attainment and region 1314
4-9c Employed population in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and region 1317
4-10 Working population by sex, working hours and region 1320
4-10a Working population in cities by sex, working hours and region 1323
4-10b Working population in towns by sex, working hours and region 1326
4-10c Working population in rural areas by sex, working hours and region 1329
4-11 Working population by age, sex and working hours 1332
4-11a Working population in cities by age, sex and working hours 1333
4-11b Working population in towns by age, sex and working hours 1334
4-11c Working population in rural areas by age, sex and working hours 1335
4-12 Working population by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of industry 1336
4-12a Working population in cities by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of industry 1396
4-12b Working population in towns by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of industry 1456
4-12c Working population in rural areas by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of industry 1516
Book Ⅲ
Part Ⅱ Data from Households Using Long Form(continued)
Volume 4 Employment (continued)
4-13 Working population by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of occupation 1576
4-13a Working population in cities by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of occupation 1630
4-13b Working population in towns by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification of occupation 1684
4-13c Working population in rural areas by sex, working hours and 3-digit classification
of occupation 1738
4-14 Unemployed population by sex, reason for not working and region 1792
4-14a Unemployed population in cities by sex, reason for not working and region 1795
4-14b Unemployed population in towns by sex, reason for not working and region 1798
4-14c Unemployed population in rural areas by sex, reason for not working and region 1801
4-15 Unemployed population by age, sex and reason for not working 1804
4-15a Unemployed population in cities by age, sex and reason for not working 1805
4-15b Unemployed population in towns by age, sex and reason for not working 1806
4-15c Unemployed population in rural areas by age, sex and reason for not working 1807
4-16 Unemployed population by sex, educational attainment and reason for not working 1808
4-16a Unemployed population in cities by sex, educational attainment and reason for not working 1808
4-16b Unemployed population in towns by sex, educational attainment and reason for not working 1809
4-16c Unemployed population in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and reason for
not working 1809
4-17 Unemployed population by sex, non-working hours and region 1810
4-17a Unemployed population in cities by sex, non-working hours and region 1813
4-17b Unemployed population in towns by sex, non-working hours and region 1816
4-17c Unemployed population in rural areas by sex, non-working hours and region 1819
4-18 Unemployed population by age, sex and non-working hours 1822
4-18a Unemployed population in cities by age, sex and non-working hours 1823
4-18b Unemployed population in towns by age, sex and non-working hours 1824
4-18c Unemployed population in rural areas by age, sex and non-working hours 1825
4-19 Unemployed population by sex, educational attainment and non-working hours 1826
4-19a Unemployed population in cities by sex, educational attainment and non-working hours 1826
4-19b Unemployed population in towns by sex, educational attainment and non-working hours 1827
4-19c Unemployed population in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and non-working hours 1827
4-20 Economically inactive population by sex, reason for not working and region 1828
4-20a Economically inactive population in cities by sex, reason for not working and region 1831
4-20b Economically inactive population in towns by sex, reason for not working and region 1834
4-20c Economically inactive population in rural areas by sex, reason for not working and region 1837
4-21 Economically inactive population by age, sex and reason for not working 1840
4-21a Economically inactive population in cities by age, sex and reason for not working 1841
4-21b Economically inactive population in towns by age, sex and reason for not working 1842
4-21c Economically inactive population in rural areas by age, sex and reason for not working 1843
4-22 Economically inactive population by sex, educational attainment and reason for not working 1844
4-22a Economically inactive population in cities by sex, educational attainment and reason for
not working 1845
4-22b Economically inactive population in towns by sex, educational attainment and reason for
not working 1846
4-22c Economically inactive population in rural areas by sex, educational attainment and reason for
not working 1847
Volume 5 Marriage
5-1 Population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and region 1850
5-1a City population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and region 1852
5-1b Town population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and region 1854
5-1c Rural population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and region 1856
5-2 Population by sex, occupation and marital status 1858
5-2a City population by sex, occupation and marital status 1859
5-2b Town population by sex, occupation and marital status 1860
5-2c Rural population by sex, occupation and marital status 1861
5-3 Population by age, sex, educational attainment and marital status 1862
5-3a City population by age, sex, educational attainment and marital status 1878
5-3b Town population by age, sex, educational attainment and marital status 1894
5-3c Rural population by age, sex, educational attainment and marital status 1910
5-4 Population by age at first marriage, sex and year of first marriage 1926
5-4a City population by age at first marriage, sex and year of first marriage 1937
5-4b Town population by age at first marriage, sex and year of first marriage 1948
5-4c Rural population by age at first marriage, sex and year of first marriage 1959
5-5 Population by age, sex and age at first marriage 1970
5-5a City population by age, sex and age at first marriage 1980
5-5b Town population by age, sex and age at first marriage 1990
5-5c Rural population by age, sex and age at first marriage 2000
5-6 Population by sex, educational attainment and age at first marriage 2010
5-6a City population by sex, educational attainment and age at first marriage 2013
5-6b Town population by sex, educational attainment and age at first marriage 2016
5-6c Rural population by sex, educational attainment and age at first marriage 2019
Volume 6 Fertility
6-1 Births by sex, birth order and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2024
6-1a Births in cities by sex, birth order and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2027
6-1b Births in towns by sex, birth order and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2030
6-1c Births in rural areas by sex, birth order and region(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2033
6-2 Women aged 15-49 by age, educational attainment and birth order(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2036
6-2a Women aged 15-49 in cities by age, educational attainment and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2052
6-2b Women aged 15-49 in towns by age, educational attainment and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2068
6-2c Women aged 15-49 in rural areas by age, educational attainment and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2084
6-3 Fertility status of women aged 15-49 by age and birth order(2009.11.1-2010.1031) 2100
6-3a Fertility status of women aged 15-49 in cities by age and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2101
6-3b Fertility status of women aged 15-49 in towns by age and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2102
6-3c Fertility status of women aged 15-49 in rural areas by age and birth order
(2009.11.1-2010.10.31) 2103
6-4 Age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate of women aged 15-49 by region 2104
6-4a Age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate of women aged 15-49 in cities by region 2105
6-4b Age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate of women aged 15-49 in towns by region 2106
6-4c Age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate of women aged 15-49 in rural areas by region 2107
6-5 Women aged 15-64 by number of children ever born alive and region 2108
6-6 Women aged 15-64 by educational attainment and number of children ever born alive 2109
6-7 Women aged 15-64 by occupation and number of children ever born alive 2109
6-8 Women aged 15-64 by number of surviving children and region 2110
6-9 Women aged 15-64 by educational attainment and number of surviving children 2111
6-10 Women aged 15-64 by occupation and number of surviving children 2111
6-11 Average number of children ever born alive and surviving to women aged 15-64 by region 2112
6-12 Average number of children ever born alive and surviving to women aged 15-64 by age 2113
6-13 Average number of children ever born alive and surviving to women aged 15-64
by educational attainment 2114
Volume 7 Migration
7-1 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
by current residence and type of household registration place 2117
7-2 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, occupation and sex 2168
7-3 Population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, occupation
and sex 2171
7-4 Women having births during 2009.11.1-2010.10.31 by current residence, household
registration place and birth order 2174
7-5 Population with household registration in other townships, towns and street communities
within the province by current residence, type of household registration place and
educational attainment 2176
7-6 Population with household registration in other provinces by current residence, type of
household registration place and educational attainment 2180
7-7 Population by current residence and place of birth 2184
7-8 Population by current residence and usual residence 5 years ago 2188
Volume 8 Elderly Population
8-1 Population aged 60 and over by sex, health status and region 2195
8-1a City population aged 60 and over by sex, health status and region 2197
8-1b Town population aged 60 and over by sex, health status and region 2199
8-1c Rural population aged 60 and over by sex, health status and region 2201
8-2 Population aged 60 and over by age, sex and health status 2203
8-2a City population aged 60 and over by age, sex and health status 2205
8-2b Town population aged 60 and over by age, sex and health status 2207
8-2c Rural population aged 60 and over by age, sex and health status 2209
8-3 Population aged 60 and over by age, marital status and health status 2211
8-3a City population aged 60 and over by age, marital status and health status 2211
8-3b Town population aged 60 and over by age, marital status and health status 2212
8-3c Rural population aged 60 and over by age, marital status and health status 2212
8-4 Population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and health status 2213
8-4a City population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and health status 2214
8-4b Town population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and health status 2215
8-4c Rural population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and health status 2216
8-5 Population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2217
8-5a City population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2220
8-5b Town population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2223
8-5c Rural population aged 60 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2226
8-6 Population aged 65 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2229
8-6a City population aged 65 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2232
8-6b Town population aged 65 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2235
8-6c Rural population aged 65 and over by sex, main source of support and region 2238
8-7 Population aged 45 and over by age, sex and main source of support 2241
8-7a City population aged 45 and over by age, sex and main source of support 2244
8-7b Town population aged 45 and over by age, sex and main source of support 2247
8-7c Rural population aged 45 and over by age, sex and main source of support 2250
8-8 Population aged 60 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2253
8-8a City population aged 60 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2254
8-8b Town population aged 60 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2255
8-8c Rural population aged 60 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2256
8-9 Population aged 65 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2257
8-9a City population aged 65 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2258
8-9b Town population aged 65 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2259
8-9c Rural population aged 65 and over by sex, marital status and main source of support 2260
Volume 9 Housing
9-1 Family households by use of houses, single or multi-floors, building bearing type and region 2263
9-1a Family households in cities by use of houses, single or multi-floors, building bearing type
and region 2265
9-1b Family households in towns by use of houses, single or multi-floors, building bearing type
and region 2267
9-1c Family households in rural areas by use of houses, single or multi-floors, building bearing
type and region 2269
9-2 Status of housing by year of construction 2271
9-2a Status of housing in cities by year of construction 2274
9-2b Status of housing in towns by year of construction 2277
9-2c Status of housing in rural areas by year of construction 2280
9-3 Family households by housing facilities and region 2283
9-3a Family households in cities by housing facilities and region 2286
9-3b Family households in towns by housing facilities and region 2289
9-3c Family households in rural areas by housing facilities and region 2292
9-4 Family households by source of houses and region 2295
9-4a Family households in cities by source of houses and region 2295
9-4b Family households in towns by source of houses and region 2297
9-4c Family households in rural areas by source of houses and region 2298
9-5 Family households by monthly housing rent and region 2299
9-5a Family households in cities by monthly housing rent and region 2300
9-5b Family households in towns by monthly housing rent and region 2301
9-5c Family households in rural areas by monthly housing rent and region 2302
9-6 Family households by source of houses, with toilet and kitchen within the housing unit
and region 2303
9-6a Family households in cities by source of houses, with toilet and kitchen within the housing unit
and region 2304
9-6b Family households in towns by source of houses, with toilet and kitchen within the housing unit
and region 2305
9-6c Family households in rural areas by source of houses, with toilet and kitchen within the housing
unit and region 2306
9-7 Family households by educational attainment of household heads and source of houses 2307
9-7a Family households in cities by educational attainment of household heads and source of houses 2307
9-7b Family households in towns by educational attainment of household heads and source of houses 2308
9-7c Family households in rural areas by educational attainment of household heads and source
of houses 2308
9-8 Family households by educational attainment of household heads and monthly housing rent 2309
9-8a Family households in cities by educational attainment of household heads and monthly
housing rent 2309
9-8b Family households in towns by educational attainment of household heads and monthly
housing rent 2310
9-8c Family households in rural areas by educational attainment of household heads and monthly
housing rent 2310
9-9 Family households by occupation of household heads and source of houses 2311
9-9a Family households in cities by occupation of household heads and source of houses 2311
9-9b Family households in towns by occupation of household heads and source of houses 2312
9-9c Family households in rural areas by occupation of household heads and source of houses 2312
9-10 Family households by occupation of household heads and monthly housing rent 2313
9-10a Family households in cities by occupation of household heads and monthly housing rent 2313
9-10b Family households in towns by occupation of household heads and monthly housing rent 2314
9-10c Family households in rural areas by occupation of household heads and monthly housing rent 2314
9-11 Status of housing by occupation of household heads 2315
9-11a Status of housing in cities by occupation of household heads 2315
9-11b Status of housing in towns by occupation of household heads 2316
9-11c Status of housing in rural areas by occupation of household heads 2316
9-12 Family households by occupation of household heads and per capita floor space 2317
9-12a Family households in cities by occupation of household heads and per capita floor space 2318
9-12b Family households in towns by occupation of household heads and per capita floor space 2319
9-12c Family households in rural areas by occupation of household heads and per capita floor space 2320
Appendix 1 Major Figures of the Servicemen
1-1 Servicemen by age 2323
1-2 Servicemen by nationality 2324
1-3 Servicemen by educational attainment 2325
Appendix 2 Figures on Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Foreigners Covered
by 2010 Population Census
2-1 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by region 2329
2-2 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by age and sex 2330
2-3 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by purpose for staying in
mainland of China 2332
2-4 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by duration of stay in
mainland of China 2332
2-5 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by educational attainment 2332
2-6 Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and foreigners by citizenship 2333
Appendix 3 Communiqué of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China
on Major Figures of the 2010 Population Census(No. 1) 2337
Appendix 4 Communiqué of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China
on Major Figures of the 2010 Population Census (No. 2) 2343
Appendix 5 Major Figures on Residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and Foreigners
Covered by 2010 Population Census 2347
Appendix 6 Regulations on National Population Census 2351
Appendix 7 National Population Census Programs of the 2010 Population Census 2357
Appendix 8 Questionnaires for 2010 Population Census
Questionnaire for the 2010 population census–short form 2365
Questionnaire for the 2010 population census–long form 2367
Questionnaire for residents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and from foreign countries 2369
Questionnaire for the 2010 population census–survey of deceased persons 2373
Appendix 9 The Explanation of Filling the Census Questionnaire 2377
Appendix 10 The Procedures for Selection of Samples for the Long Form 2395
Appendix 11 The Regulation on the Classification of Urban/Rural Residence for Statistical Purpose 2403